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There are different ways to achieve a clear face.This method applies for all skin types ...

Have you ever shopped (or been forced to shop) for hours only to find that the busy cashier forgot to remove the security ink tag from your clothing item once you got home? Who the hell wants to hop b ...

Very often a shower or bathtub drain becomes clogged. Slowly it becomes less efficient in draining the water. So one is faced with two choices once it gets so bad that the water will not drain. You ca ...

I decided to make a really simple but cute vanity.It only cost be about $22 to make, but I did already have some things at home. I received some free pallets which is not hard to do. Definitely check ...

How to Make Professional Recording Microphone from Broken Headphone at Home-DIY Life Hack (Tutorial)
Nowadays, everone who's in touch with the modern world uses a minimum of 2-4 different gadgets and as always there's a bunch of broken gadgets in our homes that we normally throw it away without using ...

In 1988, John Langley created COPS for the fledgling FOX network. 23 years later, the show is still running. It is the Energizer bunny of prime time television. Since John has followed more police off ...